Feel Like You Should Want To Stand Out-Yet You Want To Blend In Seamlessly?

Feel Like You Should Want To Stand Out-Yet You Want To Blend In Seamlessly?

We want to be seen and heard. We definitely don’t want to be invisible but yet there is this imaginary line especially as we hit a certain age that we battle with.  We want to feel good, look good and not draw attention to ourselves. 

Recently this stood out-As she walked out of the room in a stunning yet casual maxi dress, it was impossible NOT to notice how she effortlessly commanded attention.  “You have arrived” is what just seemed natural to say at that moment to her.  

However, much to my surprise she chose not to purchase the dress. I noticed a somewhat uncomfortable feeling from her once several of us noticed how she looked in the dress and began to comment on how great it looked.  

How often do you struggle with wanting to be noticed but at the same time wanting to blend in seamlessly?  

Why do we yearn for recognition at times and want to be seen and heard, yet fear standing out too conspicuously, especially as we navigate different stages of life?

It’s time to challenge these self-imposed boundaries.  

Opting for safety over self-assurance may shield us from unwanted attention, but true self love stems from embracing our individuality and allowing our uniqueness to shine through.  

Letting your inner radiance shine is a celebration of who you are and a declaration to the world that you are unapologetically you!

Break free from the constraints of what we think is appropriate and have fun, and remember the most captivating version of you is the one that authentically shines through and we want to cYOU!

Remember when you look good, you feel good and great things around you occur!

As for the woman who didn’t buy the dress because we thought it looked good-Bravo to her for not listening to outside influences and trusting herself.  She found several other things that really accentuated who she truly was and looked fabulous!


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